
Playground recreation facilities on the promotion of children's cognitive development

Children's cognitive processes of objects is a natural or spontaneous, and with a certain image, does not have the randomness and emotional, for example, some interest, favorite things and so on. Children form of entertainment is a colorful, detailed image is fascinating entertainment. Recreational facilities for children through active exploration, you can also direct hands-on, and continuously improve their cognitive abilities, but also to expand their knowledge and experience.(1) Children's Playground Recreational Facilities attention and activityIn the children's mental activity, for certain things point and focus performance is children with attention. More concentrated attention, memory, the more profound. Attention will also help the development of observation skills and observe the stronger, the stronger their intellectual development. Children's attention early generation, its culture is important.Playground, some new, strong stimulation and change children's entertainment facilities can easily lead to children's attention. Such facilities can stimulate children's interest and curiosity, and through touch, and asked, moving, etc. Note that produces its attention and extend the time for culture has been reached for the purpose of attention.(2) children's playground with their ability to observe the development of recreational activitiesChildwatch ability is developed in kindergarten or playground nurtured, it is characterized by a planned nature, consciousness, persistence, part of a series of perceptual activity. As children grow older, their time on things and generally observing consciousness will grow, so this needs to be the right way to develop education. Any amenities interaction with children have the relationship between observation, observation can help children play smoothly, on the contrary, an activity can also create the conditions for their observation. Children play in the process, will recreational facilities, the specific characteristics of the environment, careful observation of phenomena and changes to discover the connections and relationships, their intelligence, psychological development has a good effect.Children through a direct, special, detailed way to feel the environment. In the course of play, they are often referred to flora and fauna, and natural phenomena. Visible, the environment may produce irritating effect on children. Whether it is color, nature, shape and layout of the venue, you can allow the child to communicate with the environment at the same time learn a lot. Practice survey, the establishment of "my favorite playground" in the title, the way children with paintings to express their favorite playground situation. The results showed that about 90% of children are drawn to the recreational facilities in the first position of environmental elements.(3) Children's playground recreation and memory developmentMemory of the human brain is something of the past experience, perception and reflection of the experience of memorizing, maintain and restore performance.Its significance lies in helping people memorizing past experiences and experience to solve current problems. Research shows that for children, their interest, meet the needs of children on the easy things to remember, it can stimulate strong emotions, and further experience things, but there is also entertainment facilities Playground aims to provide a platform.Like in the playground is the nature of children in their play in the process, it will also strengthen the capacity of the memory. Rules play recreational facilities such as a memory, the memory of people who play together, including memory and other fun environment. As children play in the playground, and afterwards will certainly be conscious, active, purposeful memories of experienced events, which deepened the children's understanding of knowledge as well as on memory consolidation, the development of its intention to remember.(4) Children's Playground recreational activities and the development of thinking skillsThinking in the human brain is an instant summary of objective things and reflect the core of human intelligence belongs thinking ability, based on analysis, comparison, synthesis, summarized as the basic process. Children thinking experienced from lower to higher, imperfect to the perfect development process. Said playground for children's entertainment facilities can promote the development of children's thinking in terms of the theory is not out of thin air, but there is a genuine basis. Because, children play in the process is active, the nature of the process of re-creation, analysis and logic for its ability to get training and improved.(5) playground recreational activities and development of the child's imagination to imagine that people must have a sense, it is a necessity to understand and transform the world. Imagine if life lost, it will not have to create, of course, the development of human society have stagnated. So, for children, in a child's life, imagination plays a key role. Children play in the playground are happy, able to actively participate, also launched a broad imagination.Many children in the playground recreational facilities are designed to improve its ability to control the appropriate action, this ability through a variety of activities to the performance. Of course, this also makes children enjoy the play of their own thinking and imagination.For children innocent, curious, restless behavior characteristics, playground design diversified recreational facilities and, of course, which is the number is not related. For children, the diversification of energy to maintain their interest and participation of, can play their imagination.(6) playground recreational activities and the development of children's creative abilities of the day, each person must face a lot of problems, but also have to find the right approach to the problem.For children to develop their own ability to solve problems, rather than to teach them how to do it. This ability is to cultivate creativity childhood. Children in the play process will certainly encounter difficulties, play itself, there are problems in life, as well as recreational facilities on the question, why have so many problems, forcing the children to generate interest in the entertainment facilities as well as looking the desire to solve problems, but also encourage them to think about.In everyday life, children often took several items to create and games, children have their own psychological description of the structure and level of knowledge, the novelty and uniqueness was manifested aspect, after re-arranged combination, constitute a new form, giving new contacts. We can see that children can be regarded as a sign of creativity. "In a child's curiosity, they are particularly fond of recreational facilities not previously played, try to do things not previously done, this is their creative expression."Play helps children through their cognitive and perception abilities, understand its game reversibility and conservation, formed its own performance and conceptual form, to make their own artistic interests and aesthetic ability has been improved.(7) playground children's entertainment facilities are available for children to enhance mutual exchanges, including linguistic. Because, in most entertainment requires some cooperation and exchanges, just by children alone is not enough, the only way to solve their practical problems in the process, fundamentally beneficial to children's language ability.

